AG DOK - Arbeitsgemeinschaft Dokumentarfilm e.V.
Schweizer Straße 6
D-60594 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 69 623 700
New function in the members area on the AG DOK website: OnePager
from 01.12.1969
Dear members of AG DOK,
We are very happy to announce that there is now a new function in the members area on www.agdok.de, the so-called Onepager.
This means that each member can now create their own small page, which - depending on their wishes and needs - can be filled with bio/filmography as well as photos and videos. Many areas already work very well and we therefore invite you to try out the new tool.
Attached you will find an online tutorial that will hopefully help with many questions. Support is provided by our partner Kulturserver. If there are problems that you need help with, please just let us know via onepager-support@kulturserver.de,
Old business cards have been switched off. If necessary, the personal information must be saved individually: click here for instructions.
Best regards
Your AG DOK team and Kulturserver